Charli’s Limelight of Hope

We are a non-profit organization, dedicated to the education and prevention of suicide in children and young adults.

Our Beliefs

We believe that awareness and education are the first steps to suicide prevention. Charli’s Limelight of Hope will provide the youth and young adults with mental health support, self-esteem building, scholarships, and anything they may need. We will go into schools and educate staff and students about bullying and provide resources to get help. We will help the performing arts like band, choir and drama as these are things Charli loved.


Radio Interview

Co-Founder Tony Lewis recently did a radio interview on 101 The Fox. In case you were not able to hear it on the radio, here is the audio recording.

Fundraiser Update

We are quickly approaching our 1st annual Setting the Stage fundraiser on September 3rd. We are still in need of volunteers to help us out. If you are willing to hep us setup, cleanup or volunteer to help at one of our stations please let us know. We have a volunteer form available. You can…

988 Goes Live

The Lifeline and 988 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting on July 16,…

Become a Volunteer

With the aim of helping as many people as possible, we are in need of volunteers.
Please fill out our volunteer form for more info.